Can the coronavirus affect your job? Here are the answers

The coronavirus is spreading and so is doubt. What happens if you are cabin crew or pilots and are affected by quarantine or are infected? FPU’s Attorney-at-law gives you the answers here.

(Updated: 04/03 2020 10.00) The tenth Dane is now infected with the coronavirus and there are an increasing number of questions being asked.

At the same time, The Danish Health Council is recommending all Danes to stay at home for two weeks, if they have visited areas of high risk. At the moment these areas are China, Iran, parts of Southern Korea and five regions in Northern Italy.

Working in aviation

When you work in aviation, it is not unthinkable that you might become quarantined or, in a worst-case scenario, infected because flight crews are in contact with many people travelling in different countries. But if you are unlucky, what are your rights in connection with pay or illness?

The first question that may come to mind is probably whether you have the right to pay during illness if you are unfortunate and contract the virus. And, of course, you are entitled to pay during illness if you are an employee with your home base in Denmark.

Force Majeure has posed a number of questions to Attorney-at-law for the Flight Personnel Union, Jan Gloggengieser Gam, who gives you the answers here.

– What happens if you are placed in quarantine?

– If you are placed in quarantine without being infected with the coronavirus, (and without being ill in general), in connection with a vacation, and you are therefore prevented from going back to work as expected, this is a case of force majeure. You can therefore not be fired for being absent from your work. However, as a point of departure, you are not entitled to pay.

– Often, however, you will be able to find a solution with your employer to either work while you are in quarantine or catch up with work later, says Jan Gloggengieser Gam.

– What if I am on a business trip (or stops over in another country between flights)?

– If you have been on a business trip and are subsequently placed in quarantine, either by the authorities or by your employer, your employer must pay wages to you during the quarantine.

If you are infected in connection with your work and you are then placed in quarantine, your employer must pay you wages.

– What happens if my employer fears that I have become infected?

– If your employer does not want you to come to work due to fear of infection, but no authorities have placed you in quarantine, your employer must pay wages to you, says Jan Gam.

It is generally very important to follow the directions of the authorities if you want to maintain your rights.

– Can I say no to go on a flight?

– If your employer asks you to go, you can only say no if Udenrigsministeriets rejsevejledning advises against travelling to the country in question.

– However, you can get a medical certificate if your health, for some reason or other, is fragile and you are therefore particularly exposed to the virus, says Jan Gloggengieser Gam.

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